Monday, October 21, 2013

The Power of Habit: 7 Easy Steps to a New Habit

We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.
 ~ John Dryden

It is easy to form a bad habit, but not so easy to break a bad habit. A good habit, on the other hand, may take more time to form, but good or healthy habits  have many benefits. They make life more enjoyable, successful and fulfilling!  But they do not happen without some effort on our part.  Forming healthy habits takes a decision and some practice. 

Following are 7 easy steps on how to form new, healthy habits:

1. Decide on the habit you want to develop. 
2. Ask yourself: What are the benefits of this new habit?
3. Set goals you want to achieve. Start with small steps.
4.  Focus on consistency rather than performance.
5.  Find someone to hold you accountable (a friend, family member, counselor) who can remind you of your goals and help to get you back on track if your veer off.
6.  Reward yourself.
7.  Stay committed. Persist in the face of setbacks. Get help if necessary. And never ever give up!

Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved. Written by Krystal Kuehn.
Co-founder of New Day Family Couples Counseling, MI

Krystal Kuehn, MA, LPC, LLP, NCC is a licensed professional counselor, international best-selling author, teacher, and musician. She specializes in helping people live their best life now, reach their full potential, overcome barriers, heal from their past, and develop a lifestyle of health, happiness, and love. Krystal is the cofounder of

For inspirational and educational kindle books by Krystal, go to:

Recommended resource on the power of habit: In 21 Power Habits for a Winning Life, you will be empowered to have a winning perspective and attitude in all areas of your life. Each chapter discusses a power habit with empowering affirmations and words of wisdom to help you understand and apply the principles to your life.


* You do NOT need a Kindle to read the ebooks! You can read them on ANY computer, smartphone or tablet using Amazon’s free software available here:


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